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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tips Before Taking Your Car On Holiday (Part I)

Car Care for Car Guys: Tips & Techniques Beyond Auto Maintenance 101 (S-A Design) (Sa Design)With current economic situations many people are choosing to stay in the country for their holiday to save a bit of cash. If you're going to drive you may want to check one or two things on your car first and just perform a bit of basic car maintenance.

The last thing you want to do when you get to your destination is try to find a mechanic (especially one you can trust) because something's gone wrong. If you've noticed any niggling noises or anything out of the normal in your car, check it out now, even if it's nothing, you may be too focused on finding your way around your holiday destination to notice if it gets worse (if you've got kids, you may not even hear your engine screaming at you over the cries of 'are we nearly there yet?'). You don't want to start your holiday off waiting for your breakdown service while the family head to the beach.

Hawk Performance HB145F.570 HPS Brake PadLets start your car maintenance with your breaks, if there's a problem with them, you don't want to find out about it hurtling down the motorway with your family in the car. If you notice squealing or unusual noises when you brake, or if the car pulls slightly to one side, there's a good chance you'll need to replace your break pads, don't worry, these are relatively cheap and with a certain level of skill, you can replace them yourself. The brake pads should be evenly worn, it's very easy to know if they need changing, most break pads will have lines running through them, once they've worn down to a certain line, change them. A lot of cars will display a warning light on the dashboard that will also indicate it's time for a change, and lastly, if you notice sparks coming from your wheels when you brake and the car doesn't actually stop that's also a pretty good indicator they need changing. The brake disks will also need checking, they should be evenly worn and should look almost polished, if there are any marks or uneven wearing, replace them.

Gorilla Automotive TG1 Pencil Style Tire Pressure GaugeIf you've checked the brakes, it's only logical to make sure your tires are in perfect condition too, this is basic car maintenance and should be checked regularly as you can not only be pulled over by the police for unsafe tires, you can be fined and be issued penalty points on your licence too. Your hand book will advice you of the correct tire pressure, remember this pressure will vary if you're going to be carrying a heavy load, if your family has brought along more suitcases than the TARDIS could be expected to carry you will need more pressure in your tires than if you're just carrying a normal load. Remember to bear in mind that over inflated tires will not have as much grip on the road and under inflated tires will consume more fuel. If you notice any cracks or splits in your tires, you need to replace them. Again, the outside lane of a motorway is not the best place to have a tire blow out on you.
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Car Care & Maintenance (Teach Yourself VISUALLY Consumer)

To be continued.... Part II ........

1 comment:

  1. memang kalau mau berangkat kemana-mana sebaiknya kondisi mobil dipersiapkan benar-benar, apalagi kalau mau liburan jangan sampai mobil mogok ditengah jalan bisa kacau liburannya.
